Category Archives: Uncategorized

Light Up.

Funny how an entire year and some months can go by so quickly. Felt like refreshing my typing skills and updating my life, and well, here I am. As a matter of fact it was just about a year and a half ago when I circled my new career on yellow notepad. You know, that “vintage” stuff called paper your Dad or Grandpa probably keeps dusty bundles of in his garage for construction measurements. I’m already rambling off topic, let me try this again.

Just about this time last year I was anxiously awaiting the career fairy to visit, leave a note with a job offer, and a check for a couple hundred thousand dollars under my pillow. I’m sure you understand what I mean when I use the words “anxiety” and “career” in the same sentence. Well you know that prehistoric yellow notepad I referred to above? That paper accompanied by a mental nudge from Elizabeth helped ease all this restlessness. About two and half years had passed since I graduated and I felt more in the dark than before I started freshmen year. The time had come. The time to create a list. Lists were not my thing. But this list was MY thing, my next doorway. Was it writing, teaching, coaching, a Master’s, Fire, music, or underwater basket-weaving? I know, too cliche with the basket-weaving. Either way we brainstormed and wrote them all down. And guess what we did next? Yep, started eliminated. One by one the list narrowed with each nervous slash. Some decisions were accompanied by lack of experience. Others by lack of passion. For some reason I knew the career I was going to pick. The one I have all the life experience for but knew absolutely nothing about. One by one we crossed the others off until “Firefighter” was the only one left. I felt my eyes light up. How could something so obvious seem so abstract? Hoses, nozzles, ladders, and sirens? Such unfamiliar territory. Although, contrary to my confusion I slowly started to realize that THIS was the career. The years of coaches and drills in basketball, the dedication to the public through Psychology and Education, and love for the community. Very suitable.

So the journey began with basic classes, an EMT certification, station visits, and what seemed like insurmountable history lessons about the Fire service itself. Piece by piece I’ve slowly chipped away to sculpt one of the most desired public service careers worldwide. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not exactly where I need to be. However, with the help of my new fiancee (you like how I threw that in there, huh?), a best friend, supporting family, and network of classmates I have started to mold myself into a marketable candidate for the Fire service.

The work will continue with only one philosophy in mind: never give up. Never give up on the assignments. Never give up on the assessments. Never give up on those ladder drills. Never give up on the ultimate opportunity to change one person’s life in the most incredible and selfless way I can possibly imagine. If you know me, this is not about the limelight. Please. This is about recognizing your abilities and your enjoyment in life, taking them off the sidelines, and putting them into play. Forget the maintainable-make-enough-money-to-pay-your-bills-and-maybe-a-vacation-in-a-year-or-so-mundane-desk-chair-to-stare- at-MS Word-documents-all-day job (unless you’re into that or is the only option right now to support your family. I get it.). Whatever your path just take the time to realize what you’d like to dedicate your career to and do it. Simple.

For Clay Cutter and many others who dedicate their lives to lay the foundation for those who are in the pursuit. Thank you.

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